Social Media Platforms.

Like, tweet, pin, post, share, +1, whatever. We do it all. We have run successful social media integration campaigns that weave brand content into your consumer’s wired and wireless lives. These strategies are proven to make meaningful “connections” with your “real” brand to “real” people.

Video is a requirement

When Facebook and Twitter first launched they were both text-heavy platforms. Over time, we’ve seen them shift to allow for sharing of photo and video content. New players also joined the game with visual content sites like Instagram and Pinterest, which both saw record growth in 2012. Pinterest grew its audience from 2.5 million to 25 million between July 2011 and February 2012, while more than 5 million photos are uploaded on Instagram every day. In fact, Instagram has proven so popular that in the spring of 2012, Facebook announced it would pay $1 billion to acquire the product, a move that speaks volumes about where experts think the future of social media is headed.

Take this trend into consideration when thinking about your company’s social media tactics. At the very least, you should have high-quality images for your page’s profile picture (and cover photo, on Facebook). When posting a status update, try to add a photo or video when possible, as these posts tend to encourage more interaction than text-only posts. And if you don’t already have a presence on YouTube, don’t wait. Create a channel and begin posting today.
