Epic Moth Boat Racing at 30 knots.
Rod Parmenter shoots on location with the Columbia Gorge Racing Association at the International Moth Class US National Championships in Cascade Locks, Oregon. These boats are fast! …
Read more →Our advertising and branding strategies, leveraged with tech-savvy services, couple insightful creativity with results-driven media. They are designed to convert consumers into “real” customers while interacting with them whenever and wherever they may be.
“ A lot of people in our industry haven’t had very diverse experiences. So they don’t have enough dots to connect, and they end up with very linear solutions without a broad perspective on the problem. The broader one’s understanding of the human experience, the better design we will have. ”– Steve Jobs
“ Many of the truths that we cling to depend on our point of view. ”– Yoda
" Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. "– Albert Einstein
“ Sometimes one creates a dynamic impression by saying something, and sometimes one creates as significant an impression by remaining silent. ”– Dalai Lama
" Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. "– Thomas Jefferson
" Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves. "– Albert Einstein
“ The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark. ”– Michelangelo
Anything is possible. Knowing what to do is the challenge. We always provide an initial analysis of your goals, with an objective to create a collaborative, comprehensive plan to do more and deliver a creative solution tailored to your specific needs. On time and on budget.
Our core values:
1.) Act with an open mind and adventure,
2.) Be agile, adaptive and embrace change,
3.) Compare adjacent alternatives,
4.) Communicate openly and honestly,
5.) Do more with less,
6.) Deliver on time.
That’s French for “reason to be.” Our purpose is to increase … ahem, elevate … the bottom line for your business through an integrated and unique solution specific to your needs. We know how consumers watch and respond – and we leverage this knowledge to convert consumers into customers.
Great ideas are just that – ideas. You need a production team to bring them to life, and that’s where we come in. We insure that the broadcast or webcast commercial, print ad, website or gizmo actually gets produced. Our production team is involved in every aspect of a project, right from the get-go, including the initial creative briefing all the way through execution and delivery.
Web development, B2B and B2C solutions, e-commerce and mobile-commerce websites, web application development, mobile app development, private facing corporate intranet sites, internationalization and technology consulting. It’s (still) the wild west out there, but we’ve got a posy to round it up. Opinions matter. Here’s ours: Genuinely we believe that the best in class Content Management Systems (CMS) are the Open Source …
Like, tweet, pin, post, share, +1, whatever. We do it all. We have run successful social media integration campaigns that weave brand content into your consumer’s wired and wireless lives. These strategies are proven to make meaningful “connections” with your “real” brand to “real” people.
Did anyone say “mobile”? What can’t you do from your iPhone these days? Not much. And as of late 2014 more users are accessing the Internet via their mobile device than their desktop. Staggering figures, eh? How does your brand fit in or tap-and-slide in to the mobile access revolution?
Shameless self promotion (and content creation). Why not? We do this kind of thing for our client's all the time. When you inform people (about what you do) you create a connection with "real" people who become your followers, advocates, and champion your cause.
Rod Parmenter shoots on location with the Columbia Gorge Racing Association at the International Moth Class US National Championships in Cascade Locks, Oregon. These boats are fast! …
Read more →With the many business and government organizations that now use Open Source software, it’s becoming increasingly clear that price is not the only advantage such software holds.
Read more →Based in Cascade Locks, Oregon, CGRA has been promoting small boat sailing events in the Columbia River Gorge since 1996. Today, CGRA enjoys a reputation for excellence in regatta management and continues …
Read more →It’s difficult to talk about skiing if you don’t know anything about skis or snow. It is my opinion and perception that most organization leadership does not know enough about the Open Source movement to make a fact-based, informed decision about whether to adopt or implement Open Source software in the workplace. It is my intention with this information to share with you what I know about the Open Source movement, so that, at a minimum, you will know a little bit more about it.
Read more →Producer Rod Parmenter of Elev8 captures the essence of Avex® in the Summer Montage video featuring action from various corners of our world, including some footage shot right here in the Elev8 HQ city limits.
Read more →Do you want to improve your professional image on-and-off-line? Then get help from a real professional. Nobody makes it to the pinnacle of success on their own and it takes a seasoned entrepreneur to know …
Read more →We shot this little piece for Mt. Hood Meadows to promote safety on the slopes. Happy 50th Anniversary to Your Responsibility Code! What started out as the Skier’s Responsibility Code has became Your Responsibility Code to include all snowsports. As you know, the seven tenants of Your Responsibility Code…
Read more →PocketFuel Naturals, LLC headquartered in Hood River, Oregon USA is now offering organic cold brewed coffee energy shots to their already popular nut butter product lineup.
This new and exciting cold brewed coffee is made …
Read more →In November 2013, Naked Winery and Elev8 entered into a long-term relationship to help develop and expand the Naked Winery brand through video, web and social media integration. Since that time, we have shot and …
Read more →When Professional Ski Instructors of America – Eastern Division came up with a grass roots marketing campaign called “More Fun Starts Here” in an effort to bring awareness of the benefits of taking a ski …
Read more →Elev8 recently engaged in the direction and production of a 4 minute promotional video featured on their website for the Mid-Columbia Medical Center’s mPower program, which is an intensive inpatient therapy program …
Read more →With each passing year, like the web before it, mobile is becoming more indispensable in our daily lives and certainly, more and more crucial to the way we do business. Lets face it, we are …
Read more →“ A lot of people in our industry haven’t had very diverse experiences. So they don’t have enough dots to connect, and they end up with very linear solutions without a broad perspective on the problem. The broader one’s understanding of the human experience, the better design we will have. ”– Steve Jobs
“ Many of the truths that we cling to depend on our point of view. ”– Yoda
" Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. "– Albert Einstein
“ Sometimes one creates a dynamic impression by saying something, and sometimes one creates as significant an impression by remaining silent. ”– Dalai Lama
" Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. "– Thomas Jefferson
" Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves. "– Albert Einstein
“ The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark. ”– Michelangelo
It's a collaborative process and that's where we come in. Easy going, heavy hitters. That's it. We leverage great minds with a collective of amazing producers that leads to elevated results. Check your ego at the door.
Rod has over 30 years of experience producing and directing commercials, documentaries, and corporate films. He has focused primarily on lifestyle, action sports and health categories. Rod has made a name for himself traveling the world for clients including:
– Columbia Sportswear
– Hewlett Packard
– LivOn Labs
– Red Bull
– Nike
– Intel
Creative, motivated and self-employed entrepreneur for 18+ years. I have lived and worked in Europe, speak multiple languages, and was born in the late 60s. I have lived where I could ski to work, and managed one western state’s highest volume bar — and even broke up a bar fight. I have hired people and fired people. I have served as the Communications V.P. on the board of directors of a non-profit since 2009, published 3 books (in print), and been on the web since 1994.